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QuiltAssistent / Hilfe zum speichern als Datei zum versenden
« Last post by Marita on 24 March 2013, 17:19:17 »
Hallo kann mir jemand helfen ..möchte meine erstellte Pp Vorlage an eine Freundin schicken ,weiss aber nicht wie ich das machen muss
Bekomme ja nur den Entwurf gespeichert . Möchte es so verschicken das es komplett aus gedruckt werden kann wie im Assistent
Lg marits
Quilt Assistant / Re: windows 8
« Last post by hxxrmonkey on 07 March 2013, 16:59:52 »
I installed Windows 8 last night and immediately tested QA. It works perfectly, exactly the same as before, on Win 7.
Quilt Assistant / Re: Not Responding??
« Last post by Arnout on 24 February 2013, 09:41:45 »
As far as I know there are two possible reasons:

1. The design contains a lot of pieces (over a hundred). The software will have difficulty finding the correct order simply because there are so many possible combinations to consider. In this case you may want to wait a bit longer (e.g. a couple of minutes) before giving up.

2. There is some sort of flaw in the design that the software stumbles on. In this case it will run around in circles and never finish its attempt to name  the pieces.

If you can't find the cause and want me to look at this specific case, please sent me a private email with the design.

Quilt Assistant / Re: Need some help please, neophyte!
« Last post by Arnout on 24 February 2013, 09:25:12 »
You can get the estimated fabric usage as a printed overview, so go to menu "File" -> "Print", then select the "Fabric Usage" tab.
If you based your design on an image and get too many different fabric shades, you may need the "Edit" -> "Reduce Number of Colors" menu item to group similar shades together.

Quilt Assistant / Not Responding??
« Last post by Gacca on 24 February 2013, 03:11:11 »
After I have prepared a paper pieced pattern and I tell it to "name shapes for paper piecing" the program sits still for a second and then says not responding and I have to enter task manager to kill the program. I am currently using v2.24. What am I doing wrong?? Thanks in advance for all the help.
Quilt Assistant / Need some help please, neophyte!
« Last post by debbod on 23 February 2013, 23:20:00 »
I'm brand new to this program but loving it, using it for charity work.  BUT can anyone tell me if it can calculate how much of each colored fabric is required?
I thought I read somewhere that the option was available, but can't find now that I need it.
Quilt Assistant / Thank you so much for quilt assistant
« Last post by nimatitus on 15 January 2013, 19:12:16 »
Thank you so much for this simple software, to develop the piecing pattern. I really enjoyed playing with it. I have blogged about it in my blog []Made to Treasure[/]. Thank you.

QuiltAssistant / geweldige quiltassistent
« Last post by mamia on 07 January 2013, 23:31:33 »
Hallo Allemaal,
allereerst voor iedereen een gezond en inspirerend 2013!
in de vakantie weer eens wat meer ruimte in mijn hoofd om wat patronen te maken.
ik heb met veel plezier heel wat foto's bewerkt.
voor mij werkt het geweldig :P het gaat me steeds beter af
ik heb voorlopig nog geen tijd om ze in stof om te zetten,
maar zo raak je je vaardigheid tenminste niet kwijt  ;)
groet voor iedereen,
Quilt Assistant / windows 8
« Last post by windriverjo on 25 December 2012, 21:48:48 »
Hello quilters!  Has anyone loaded this onto the new windows 8 platform? 
Quilt Assistant / Re: Any ideas?
« Last post by Boschl on 06 December 2012, 02:50:49 »
I just found the tutorials.....I can now understand better what all the red circles I was getting related too!
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