English > Quilt Shops

Quilt Shop Links


Can't find what you are looking for on my map of quilt shops in Europe? Try these sites:

Shops in Europe (Dutch)
Shops in Europe (Danish, Dansk Patchwork Forening)
Shops in Europe (Yvonnes.dk)
Shops in Belgium (Belgium Quilting Association)
Shops in the UK (Quilters' Guild of The British Isles)
Shops in France (Association France Patchwork)
Shops in Germany (Patchworkgilde Deutschland)
Shops in Denmark (Dansk Patchwork Forening)
Shops in Italy (Quilt Italia)
Shops in Sweden (Kviltföreningen Rikstäcket)
Shops in Switzerland (patCHquilt)

Suggestions for other sites/countries?


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