Author Topic: Quilt Assistant - Question, saving files  (Read 15130 times)

Carlie Wolf

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Quilt Assistant - Question, saving files
« on: 21 September 2014, 22:38:49 »
I spent a few hours this morning reading over the instructions and then making an illusion block pattern in the colors I wanted. I was thrilled with it. It was just perfect for the project I had in mind.

As I went through the different steps I would save it at various steps and then naturally also save the final design.

Went into the program a little while ago and it's not saved!!! So I went though my WHOLE computer searching for it. Nada.....nowhere.... It was a .png file.

Before I try to spend another few hours recreating it......I have to ask........does this program save what you create? If so, any idea what I did wrong???Would hate to go through all that again only to have the same results!!!  :-\


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Re: Quilt Assistant - Question, saving files
« Reply #1 on: 22 September 2014, 20:43:23 »
Hi Carlie,

Quilt Assistant does not save images (unless you specifically export your design to an image), but it does save information about the pattern you created in a file ending with extension .qa2 .

Also, if you save your project (which the software will always ask you to do before closing), it should appear on the list of projects shown right after starting the program again.

Hope this helps.
