Author Topic: FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)  (Read 20135 times)


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  • Perfect Piecer
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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
« on: 26 February 2008, 20:45:59 »
Some answers to frequently asked questions. If the answer you are looking for isn't here, let me know!

1. I get an error during installation saying the installer is corrupted or incomplete!

If you see this message when you try to install, something went wrong with the download. This has nothing to do with your version of Windows (Vista or otherwise), and the only solution is to to download the software again. Because you may get the same incomplete file from some (internet) cache, please try one of the following alternate links in case you keep having problems with the original download:

QuiltAssistant English alternate link #1
QuiltAssistant English alternate link #2
QuiltAssistant English alternate link #3

QuiltAssistant German/Deutsch alternate link #1
QuiltAssistant German/Deutsch alternate link #2

QuiltAssistant Dutch/Nederlands alternate link #1
QuiltAssistant Dutch/Nederlands alternate link #2

2. Can I run QuiltAssistant on my PC/operating system?

QuiltAssistant runs on Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP and Vista, and if your PC is no more than 5 or 6 years old it should meet any other system requirements. It does not run under Linux or Mac OS. This is on my wish list, but don't hold your breath.

3. What is the Microsoft .NET Framework and why do I need it?

It is basically a library of software functions that QuiltAssistant uses to do the difficult bits (like loading, saving and scaling images), so QuiltAssistant can't live without it. It comes pre-installed with Windows Vista. For more (technical) information about the .NET Framework than you can possibly want, have a look at the Wikipedia entry.

4. After installing the .NET Framework to use QuiltAssistant, the 'Welcome to Windows' screen appears when I start Windows XP, I did not get that before?

This is caused by a known issue in the .NET Framework. The resolution Microsoft offers is to install the latest service pack to the .NET Framework.