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My Quilts

The gallery shows small images of the quilts including descriptions for quick access.
The slide show shows detailed images, a single quilt per page.
All quilts on this website are machine patched and hand quilted by Arnout Cosman.

Free Software

QuiltAssistant is free software for designing quilts based on photos and drawing pieced quilt blocks with ease.

Where is the Quilt Shop?

Europe On the maps of The United Kingdom, Ireland, The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg, Germany, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Switzerland Austria Denmark Norway and Sweden you will find the quilt shop you are looking for!

Download GPS coordinates of all quilt shops for your GPS navigation system.

Quilt of the Day

Spin-off, click to enlargeSpin-off (2003)
130cm x 130cm (51" x 51")  

This design derives from the tensided tablecloth. While making the tablecloth I discovered unexpected circular patterns which I transformed into five perfect circles, overlapping in the middle of this quilt. Each circle has its own theme; the basic colors for the circles are matched to the patterned fabrics used in the centres of the pentagons. Quilt detail.